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Off Track! |
Following last week, I have gotten lots of texts and calls
from friends and family reconnecting with me which I must admit, has felt
pretty good! I feel like I am more connected than ever to those who I love and
clearly, this means that lots of people are reading my blog and they love me. I
already knew that they loved me, but this just goes to show the power of the
internet to bring people together.
I am always surprised by how many people are actually
reading all my financial rants! Not only that, their friends and family (especially
the moms - hello all of my friends' moms) are reading my blog. What a
wonderful thing to know that others are just as interested in getting their
debt back on track and that I am not alone in this crazy pursuit. When I
started this process, I never imagined that I would get my debt paid off as
rapidly as I am today. I was just gunning through all this debt at the beginning
but this year I really have not been as
good as I wanted to. The truth behind me not posting as much is that I have
kind of been effing up my finances these past couple weeks and I have been a
little embarrassed to admit that I have been dipping into my savings account to
go out for beers with friends. I guess it's better than taking out money from
my line of credit, or even worse, my evil MasterCard!
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I ♥ your mom. |
But these are the sorts of things that happen, right? It's
tough to always put your social life on hold because you have debt to pay off
and the general attitude out there is "everyone is in debt anyway, so why
worry?" which I totally get, but I also know what the stress feels like
when you have $40,000 of consumer debt and you don't even have a permanent job
so I sometimes feel the need to shake some sense into these people. What it
really takes is a culture and attitude change to start convincing others to
stop spending and finding other ways to find joy in things that require no
spending. In one of the exercises that we did at my yoga "off the
mat" challenge, we talked about the ability to give up buying
"stuff". I have several kryptonites such as music (the latest thing
is records), clothing, home decor, and all sorts of other "stuff".
What makes my need to shop so stupid is the fact that I don't even need any of
this stuff. If one of the things that I mentioned is resonating with you, let
me break it down for you:
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As a firm supporter of artists/musicians I have a hard time
just downloading something I love for free and never sending a penny to the
artists themselves, but I also was buying 2-3 albums per week, which translates
to about $60 which is more than $3,000 each year on music. That doesn't even
include the concerts that I go to! What makes this so stupid is that I have
albums where I only listen to one or two tracks that I love and never get
through the whole thing. To add to it all, I have a record player, but it's not
portable so I only get to listen to one of the 100+ albums I have per week on average. So it's clear to me that this is
a habit that I need to get under control. So what I have decided to do is
dedicate at least a week to listening to the whole album online before deciding
to purchase it. If I really feel that the album is something that is
mindblowingly amazing, then I will buy it, but otherwise, I will move on and
listen to something else. Don't worry the Balconies, I will ALWAYS buy your music!
Oh and you even have an amazing new EP on iTunes? Well I better put a link to that then!
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This is an underwear ad, a very sexy underwear ad. |
By far one of the most unnecessary things that I buy. I have
dozens of t-shirts, dress shirts, pants, shoes, jackets, underwear, and the
list goes on. I have zero need for more clothes but yet I still see things that
I like and purchase them anyway. I found the best way to kick this habit was to
avoid malls and my favourite stores altogether. If I do wander into a store, I
look at the item on the rack and then I think about how many other articles of
clothing just like it that I have and that usually convinces me to not buy it.
If I still feel the urge to buy it, I leave the store and come back in 2 weeks
if I am still thinking about buying it. That way if I forget about it, it's
clearly not something that I wanted all that bad in the first place. This rule
usually applies to everything that I want and it has proven to be pretty darn
Home Decor
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Are you cluttering your home with too much stuff? |
Now I know that we all like to have the coolest and most comfortable place
on the block, but how comfortable is a place that is filled to the rafters with
stuff? There comes a point when all the home decor stuff we buy creates
discomfort because it is all just so overwhelming. When you want to create a
space that is homey, stick to the principle that less truly is more. When
you're more concerned with whether someone is going to break that new
knick-knack that you bought than whether they feel safe enough to fart without
getting thrown out the window, you may need to evaluate your need obsession
with stuff.
Phew, that feels good to get out. It's much easier to get
back to practicing what I preach when I have it all down on paper. Now I'm not
saying you shouldn't shop at all, but I'm say that you should focus on smarter
shopping. Buy things that you need first and then get one of the things that
you want afterward. If you don't know what a need is, ask yourself if you will
die if you don't have it. I think I can survive without the latest record or
spandex yoga shorts. One more thing, as I have said a bazillion times before,
leave your credit behind and pay with YOUR money, not someone else's!
All in all though, my spending has not been in check and I
am feeling the effects! Last week I had to do some major dipping into my
savings more than once for things like eating out, birthday presents, medicine
(don't panic, I had a cold), and other things that I feel that I should be a
little more prepared for. It's not like it's a big deal or anything, but there
really is no excuse since most of the things that I had show up were things
that I could have planned for so I guess it gets on my nerves a little bit that
I am not as aggressive with my debt as I want to be. Not to say that all this
socializing is negative, I'm spending money on things that I enjoy such as
hanging out with friends for their birthdays or farewell parties which I feel
are important things to do because you can't really put a price tag on
friendships (unless they're an escort). But I am really going to try to get it
together again and set a goal to get my line of credit completely paid off by
the 15th of May!
Lots of love!