Savings Murdered! |
Everyone, it is with a heavy heart that I have share this
tragic news here on my blog. There has been a murder, yes, it's true, my
savings account has been murdered. It happened Friday night around 8:00 pm and
it was a slow and agonizing process, that caught me completely off guard. I sat
down at my computer just like any other day and began planning an upcoming trip
to Montreal for my 4 year anniversary. I searched for hours for the best deals
on car rentals, hotels, and things to do in "the most European city in
North America" and the next thing I knew, like water oozing out of a
freshly cut watermelon, my savings were depleted and my bank account laid lifeless
and cold out there in cyberspace. I went
into my trip planning with the intention to keep things as cheap as I could,
but then I remembered that my partner and I have been together for 4 freaking
years and this is something to truly celebrate, so I caved and stabbed my
savings right in the heart! It looks like Montreal officially brings out my
alter ego - Spendy Spenderson.
Without giving away all the details here on my blog (I'm
trying to keep things a little bit of a surprise) I really did a pretty good
job on keeping the costs down for the car rental and that's about it. I picked
a hotel that has a location that cannot be beat, but I am getting what I'm
paying for which is what I think should be the point when spoiling someone you
love (which is not something I get to do as often as I used to). The good thing
about the hotel though is that I have a friend who used to work for that hotel
chain (Derek) who pulled a few strings for me and got me the hook-up! In
addition to that, I found a show to take my partner to that will knock his
socks off and that will guarantee me kisses for weeks! I cannot help but feel a
little guilty devastating my savings account, but at the same time I'm kind of
proud to say that I am not having to rely on credit to bail me out and pay for
everything again like I would have done in the past and then told myself some
lie that I would pay it back as soon as I got my next paycheck (bull$hit). Lately I really have been starting to get a
taste of what financial freedom is all about - the freedom to make choices that
won't leave you broke and scrambling to pay the bills!
I don't know how often everyone looks at my saving
statistics when they read my blog, but I
do try pretty hard to keep putting 10-15% of my income into savings every paycheck.
The main thinking behind this is not that I am trying to save for anything in
particular at the moment, but I really want to be able to have money to spend
on emergency trips home or when I have a burning desire to spend on myself or
others, I don't have to pull out the credit card and smack it down on the
counter with a 12.9% interest charge every time. Admittedly, this recent
dipping into my savings has also made me a little bit annoyed at myself for
taking away from my ultimate goal of hitting $5,000 in savings by November. I
am not the kind of guy who can completely neglect my goals so when I do things
that are counterproductive, the frustration begins to mount (and usually from
Looks like Greece will have to wait! |
There are going to be other things that will hinder that in
the future as well. I have planned to take 2 more trips to Saskatchewan this
year and my sisters are coming to visit me in May and June. Not only that,
there is a chance that I may have to come up with an extra $200 per month to
cover rent this summer which is essentially how much money I am putting away
into my savings account every month. Now I have also been making some wise
decisions such as turning down a vacation to Greece and a trip to Halifax, but
I still really would love to go and do both of those things. These types of
situations motivate me even more to get on track with getting my debt paid off
and having a vacation fund as well as a fund for a purchasing a home and
increasing my net worth.
Now the big challenge is going to be trying to get that
savings number boosted back up for October when I will be planning my next trip
back to Saskatchewan! I think it's going to be possible since after May, I will
have only 2 debts left to pay! I think I am proving a lot of people wrong and I
can get my debt under control while still making sure to enjoy myself and live
a full and happy life!
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